In today’s Gospel Jesus asked his disciples “What were you arguing about on the way?” In response they were silent because they were arguing about who was the greatest. Of course Jesus knew their hearts just as he knows ours. We are so easily distracted by things that don’t matter. The things that make up true greatness are often not the things celebrated by this world. The Gospel goes on to say that “The greatest among you must be your servant.” Being a servant means that you put others before yourself. You elevate their needs rather than trying to get them to be attentive to your needs. And this is difficult to do. Our world tells us the path to greatness is to always put ourselves first. My life has taught me the opposite…putting others first is not only good for them, it is good for me! We were made for love. We were made to serve others. We were made for the purpose of giving of ourselves to others without counting the cost. When we do this, we do not lose ourselves. On the contrary, it is in the act of giving of ourselves and seeing the other first that we actually discover who we are and become what we were created to be. We become love itself. And a person who loves is a person who is great…and a person who is great is a person whom God exalts. This week reflect on how God is calling you to greatness through service to others. Lord, I choose to love You with my whole heart, mind, soul and strength. I also choose to love all people as You love them. Give me the grace to live these two commandments of love and to see them as the path to holiness of life. I do love You, dear Lord. Help me to love You more. Jesus, I trust in You.