Have you ever taken a moment to think about how often God communicates with you? No, I am not talking about burning bushes or angels coming down from the clouds. I am talking about the extraordinary little things that happen. Usually it is for a reason, or perhaps a coincidence, or it is some silly little thing that changes the direction you were going for the day. That is God talking to you. It is a non-verbal, small, silent little miracle meant especially for you to let you know that He is there and at that very moment, He is thinking of you. How amazing of a feeling is that? Out of all those billions of people in the world, Our God finds a way to talk to us. I challenge you to pay attention to these moments. It could be a friend that you haven’t spoken to in years but crosses your mind and then moments later calls, or a missed flight that turns into a better opportunity. These are the moments that we need to cherish and know that we are loved and cared for by God. But now that we notice these sweet little coincidences, the next important question to ask is…. Did we remember to answer?