The summer after I graduated from high school I went with a group to a Catholic Heart Workcamp (CHWC) in New Orleans. It was there that my life changed. I grew deeper in my faith than I had ever been. I made friends with other Catholic kids from all over the country. We bonded over Jesus and shared our gifts and talents in service all while having so much fun. When I was a junior in college I decided that I wanted to be on staff for CHWC. It was such a great experience as a camper, I wanted to help nurture that experience with the next group of kids coming through. I filled out the application, made a video about why I wanted to be on staff, crossed my fingers, and sent it in. The summer of 2005 I was on crew 2B. We worked the month of July going between four different cities. Those were the best weeks of my life. To this day I am still in contact with the people from 2B, and even some whom I met in the summer of 2002 when I was a camper. I guarantee if you go to camp you will not walk away empty handed; when you are on the edge of turning 40, you will still remember that week you were at the CHWC and realize how much it actually changed your life. ~Karissa
The summer after my 7th grade year I went to Denver, Colorado to a CHWC camp. I made some great friends on the trip, and it led me to encounter Jesus in a whole new way. It was definitely an experience that I would cherish the rest of my life, and one that I wanted to have again, thus going on five more trips to CHWC. I thought about applying to staff after my last year as a camper but didn’t end up doing it until I had some encouragement from a friend who was already on staff. I applied to be on CHWC staff for the summer after I graduated from college. When I found out that I was hired, I was ecstatic. Through being on staff, I was able to give others the experience of CHWC like I had. I was able to strengthen my faith, make wonderful memories, and build amazing relationships with my team that I traveled the country with. Catholic Heart has given me so many incredible memories; I am so grateful to have had the opportunity to attend. ~Grace
If you are interested in taking part in the CHWC trip as a camper or chaperone, we highly recommend going. It will definitely be an experience that will impact your life! Talk to Grace for more information.