Over the weekend of November 16-19, five of our high school youth attended NCYC (National Catholic Youth Conference) in Indianapolis, Indiana, along with 13,000 other youth form across the nation. The Archdiocese of Dubuque had the largest showing with over 900 kids there! NCYC is an amazing experience that allows Catholic youth to come together and celebrate their faith through prayer, Adoration, Mass, speakers, and music. Our youth really enjoyed getting to know one another more as well as others from around the country, learning about their faith, and being encouraged to live their faith through action. They talked about what speakers they liked, didn't like, and what they found most fruitful of the conference. One student came out of the Friday night session talking about her love of Adoration, which prompted the others to bring up how much of an impact having Adoration at such a big conference was for them. They also loved trading things, as that was a big part of the culture of NCYC. Hats are the hot commodity of the trip, and while we did not have hats to start off with but instead key chains, the teens got really good at trading what they had and trading up for hats. The teens came back from the conference really on fire in their faith, and are excited to get more involved in their faith.