What does marriage mean? It means prioritizing effective communication. (Which can be really hard at times.) It means actively listening to your partner. (It’s so easy to give in to distraction.) It means working as a team. (Compromise is an important word in marriage.) It means prioritizing your partner's needs over yours. (It’s important to practice forgiveness even when you know you’re right, understanding that "being right" isn't always important.) Our vows remind us to consistently work towards nurturing a strong connection, regardless of the good or difficult times we face. While standing in front of God, our families and friends, and each other we promised to take each other in “sickness and health, good times and bad, until death do we part.” Marriage isn’t easy, it takes work, but when you put the work in, it is so worth it. While not all times will be perfect, when you share it with the one you love, you can make the best out of any situation, if you just try. World Marriage Day is February 9th. This day honors husband and wife as the foundation of the family, the basic unit of society. It salutes the beauty of their faithfulness, sacrifice and joy in daily married life. To honor marriage, next Saturday is our Celebration of Marriage Dinner. You can toast your marriage with other couples from St. Pius X and celebrate your love. See the website for more information: www.crpiusx.org/events/com2025. Karissa Forde