Awakenings is a collection of 30 meditations on scriptural passages. Thomas Keating uses events in Jesus’ ministry and teachings to call the reader to a new awareness. “The meaning of the Gospel changes as we change,” the author tells us. And each new level of growth brings a deeper understanding of Christ’s teachings.
The Quotidian Mysteries is a little book with a big title. Its subtitle, Laundry, Liturgy and “Women’s Work” explains the quotidian or daily tasks that can open us to the transforming presence of God. Author and poet Kathleen Norris invites us to recognize and savor “the holy” in our everyday lives. This small work is an excellent introduction to Norris’ writings for ordinary people.
He Still Moves Stones ~ Max Lucado tells us about a God who has “a special place for the bruised and weary of the world.” He relates familiar Bible stories in everyday language and ties them to personal experiences. Just as Jesus rolled the stone from his tomb, he will roll the stones from our hearts. This is a powerful and moving book.
Twelve and One-Half Keys is another gem from Ed Hays. He takes us on a mystic journey with stories intended to unlock the gates of Paradise. Read this book slowly and allow the parables to become teachers, healers, and silent companions on your own spiritual journey. Then pray, ponder, and reflect for these stories are magical instruments of insight. Each reflection is brief, especially designed for those with little time to spare.
Living and Celebrating the Advent-Christmas Seasons covers it all from the first day of Advent to Christmas and Epiphany. Author Mary Lewis gives prayers and reflections as well as instruct-tions for traditional decorations and recipes.